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Voyage Linux Live CD

By punkytse - Posted on 10 January 2007

To test drive Voyage Linux, Live CD provides a faster and easiest way. The Live CD is also installable to hard disk and can be served as a PXE boot server for net-booting Voyage Linux on remote machine. Currently, the Live CD is a 46MB ISO image and contains a whole Voyage Linux distribution! (Thanks to Debian Live, squashfs and aufs).

Visit download page to see all Live CD versions.

See below for instructions on using Live CD.

Live CD install instructions:

PXE boot server and install instructions:

You can download daily Voyage Linux Live CD at:

It is preferred to use one of our mirror sites for faster download.

The most convenient way to test drive Voyage Linux is running the Live CD on VMWare, VirtualBox or QEMU. Follow the link to download the virtual machine software for Windows.

Currently, the Live CD is built daily, so there would be some occasions that the Live CD may break. An official Live CD will be provide at the same time an official release is rolled out.

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