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New Donation of Hifiberry DAC+ and Announcement of Raspberry Pi port

By punkytse - Posted on 22 January 2015

We are pleased to announced that HifiBerry has donated a DAC+ high-resolution digital-to-analog converter to Voyage Linux community.

Apart from this donation, today we also announce the kick-off of Voyage Mubox porting to Raspberry Pi. This project not only aims at running MuBox on Raspberry Pi, but also provide seamlessly integration of Voyage MuBox, Raspberry Pi and HifiBerry DAC. As an initial proof of concept, we target to port MuBox to RPi B+ board with HifiBerry DAC+.

You can find more information about HifiBerry and their products here.

Once again, we would like to express our warmest thank you to Hifiberry for their generous donation.

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