Voyage Linuxon
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By punkytse - Posted on 25 February 2006

Browse all Voyage Linux versions.

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See README for installation instructions and further information. Follow this page for Live-CD instructions. The below versions are available for download:

Latest versions:

Daily snapshot:

Older versions:

The following tables shows the corresponding Debian release and Linux kernel version for different Voyage Linux versions.

  • Voyage 0.9.5 (MPD) - Debian Wheezy 7.3, Linux kernel 3.14.12-rt9
  • Voyage 0.9.5 (Linux) - Debian Wheezy 7.3, Linux kernel 3.14.12
  • Voyage 0.9.2 (Linux and MPD) - Debian Wheezy 7.3, Linux kernel 3.10.11
  • Voyage 0.9.1 (Linux and MPD) - Debian Wheezy 7.1, Linux kernel 3.8.13
  • Voyage 0.9.0 (Linux and MPD) - Debian Wheezy 7.0, Linux kernel 3.8.11
  • Voyage 0.9-rc2 (Linux and MPD) - Debian Wheezy (testing), Linux kernel 3.6.9
  • Voyage 0.9-rc1 (Linux and MPD) - Debian Wheezy (testing), Linux kernel 3.4.4
  • Voyage 0.8.5 (Linux, ONE and MPD) - Debian 6.0.5 Squeeze , Linux kernel 3.2.17
  • Voyage 0.8.0 (Linux, ONE and MPD) - Debian 6.0.3 Squeeze , Linux kernel 3.0.0
  • Voyage 0.7.5 (Linux, ONE and MPD) - Debian 6.0.2 Squeeze , Linux kernel 2.6.38
  • Voyage 0.7.0 - Debian 6.0 Squeeze, Linux kernel 2.6.32
  • Voyage 0.6.5 - Debian Lenny, Linux kernel 2.6.30
  • Voyage 0.6 - Debian Lenny, Linux kernel 2.6.26
  • Voyage 0.5 - Debian Etch, Linux kernel 2.6.23
  • Voyage 0.4 - Debian Etch, Linux kernel 2.6.20
  • Voyage 0.3 - Debian Etch, Linux kernel 2.6.17
  • Voyage 0.2 - Debian Sarge, Linux kernel 2.6.15
  • Voyage 0.1 - Debian Sarge, Linux kernel 2.6.8

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