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New Donation from exD Audio

By punkytse - Posted on 09 December 2012

We are pleased to announced that exD Audio has donated a USB-DSD development unit to Voyage Linux community. Their donation enables us to certify DSD support on Voyage MPD.

After a brief test, Voyage MPD 0.9-rc1 and daily build play DSDIFF/DSF and PCM files flawlessly on this USB-DSD unit.

This unit is custom built for development purpose. Images shown may vary from actual end-customer products.

You can find more information about exD Audio and their products here

Once again, we would like to express our gratitude to exD Audio for their generous donation.

Donation via PayPal

Donate to express appreciation and encourage further work on this project:

- credit card/PayPal balance

(Your donation will be shown as payment.)